Smoky, The WW2 K9 Hero
A Yorkshire Terrier who saw action in the
Pacific during World War II, Smoky was initially found in February 1944,
abandoned in a foxhole in the jungles of New Guinea. The dog was included in a
dozen combat missions and survived more than 150 air raids. Like famous World
War I veteran Stubby, Smoky used her sharp sense of hearing to warn of incoming
artillery shells. One of Smoky’s most famous exploits was at a crucial airstrip
in the Philippine Island of Luzon. The dog pulled a telegraph wire through a
narrow 70-foot pipe, saving construction time and keeping workers and engineers
safe from enemy fire. When not in harm’s way, Smoky entertained troops with a
variety of tricks and self-taught antics. The dog died on February 21, 1957;
she was 14 years old. Smoky’s exploits are chronicled in detail in the book
Yorkie Doodle Dandy, written by her adoptive owner William A. Wynne